Political Persecution: How the US Govt. Is Silencing the “Domestic Terrorists” of the Opposition


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

If I wrote that we’re living in a world that bears an ever-increasing similarity to Communist regimes throughout history, a lot of people would scoff and say that I was being melodramatic. But research compiled by the Media Research Center and shared on social media by The Heritage Foundation shows, through documents acquired via the FOIA, that the Biden administration is using tax dollars to actively target political opponents and dissenters as potential domestic terrorists in a program with the acronym TVTP.

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It’s an important read, and the supporting documents that follow the money are all here in this PDF. (I originally came across this information on a very interesting episode of Dan Bongino’s podcast.)

So, by definition, are you an extremist? A budding domestic terrorist? A violent threat?

What is the TVTP?

The Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) is administered by the Department of Homeland Security. It provides funding to funds to public, private, and non-profit institutions — like colleges, universities, and county governments — “to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.”

On the face, it doesn’t sound that bad.

But when you look closer, you’ll see that this funding is only doled out to groups that align with a specific agenda. And that agenda is to target conservatives, Christians, and Republicans in what MRC calls a “coordinated effort to make America into a one-party system.”

Fox News reports:

The Biden administration has awarded 80 grants through the TVTP totaling just under $40 million. The lowest grant was for $85,000, the highest was over $1.1 million, and the median was about $442,000. TVTP grant recipients are prohibited from engaging in viewpoint discrimination, according to DHS.

Started by the Obama administration under a different name, the TVTP was broadened and revamped by the Biden administration with a new focus on violent extremism and white supremacy. DHS named one of its TVTP goals as “media literacy and online critical thinking initiatives,” which many grantees listed as the mission of their projects.

One such grantee was the University of Dayton for its PREVENTS-OH program, which DHS awarded $352,109 to “draw on the expertise of the University of Dayton faculty” to fight “domestic violence extremism and hate movements.”

The university’s grant application submitted to DHS linked in a footnote to a controversial Dayton conference where an academic researcher presented a chart titled the “Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization.”

From the report, here’s a look at that pyramid.

So if you support the NRA, are a Republican, consume media right of CNN, back your local cops, or are a Trump supporter, according to this pyramid, means you’re well on your way to a lifetime membership to the KKK and a free white hooded outfit. It conflates these innocent acts as stepping stones to becoming a neo-Nazi and joining a hate group.

So to summarize, if you are not with them, you are against them, and your own government has thrown 40 million taxpayer dollars at organizations who are trying to figure out how to identify you.

One of the most radical grant recipients was quite disturbing.

The University of Dayton PREVENTS-OH received. The webpage describing their program is mysteriously down. and a time-travel trip on the Wayback Machine to https://udayton.edu/blogs/udhumanrights/2023/2023-5-11-preventsohstudent.php only shows us a calendar, which we can all agree is most likely not the original use of that page.

According to The MRC, PREVENTS-OH “hosted a series of events that maliciously equated mainstream organizations with neo-nazis and other extremist hate groups.” (One of their events is where University of Cincinnati researcher Michael Loadenthal rolled out the Pyramid of Far-Right Extremism. He’s a self-proclaimed member of Antifa.)

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