Breaking! Confirmed That Edible Vaccines Are Real


    by Tom Renz, Esq., AmericaOutloud:

    Edible vaccines have been around for years, and we may not know if we are already eating them. In Missouri, there are five Republican representatives and zero Democrats willing to vote yes on the Informed Consent House Bill 1169. Interesting to note that Bayer Monsanto headquarters are located in St. Louis, Missouri. I wonder what the odds are that Big Pharma bought and paid off these Missouri RINOs?

    RINOs are selling out again, and this is just the kind of fight I’m willing to die fighting for. This bill is idiot-proof, and every patriot needs to be backing it and put pressure on Missouri to pass it.

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    In November 2019, the National Library of Medicine published an article titled “Edible Vaccines: Promises and Challenges.” This article provides exciting breaking news from the biotechnology industry, stating that “At present edible vaccines are developed for veterinary and human use. But the main challenge faced by an edible vaccine is its acceptance by the population, so it is necessary to make society aware of its use and benefits.

    Compared to other traditional vaccines, edible vaccines are cost-effective, efficient, and safe. It promises a better prevention option from diseases.” The main challenge for edible vaccines is the acceptance of WE THE PEOPLE; I wonder why?

    What are the risks and the benefits? Where is informed consent? What are they putting in our foods, folks? They’ve had this technology available since late 2019, and now they want to say we don’t have the right to informed consent when it comes to engineering our foods…?

    They go on to describe in detail the various foods and plant species they’ve used as vaccine models, potatoes, rice, bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, tobacco, alfalfa, carrots, and insect cell-based vaccines. Insects make great edible vaccines! I wonder why Bill Gates is pushing his insect-based fake meat on the world? We’ve been played, and it’s been going on for a long time.

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