Former CDC Director Robert Redfield, Exposes the Minister of Sinister Fraud Fauci


    by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

    Truth is always invigorating. Especially when it’s exposed; that just clearly happened when former Centers for Disease Control director, Dr. Robert Redfield, testified before the House Subcommittee on the Covid-19 pandemic origins. His disclosures made a skunk’s odor seem like perfume when compared to Tony Fauci’s stench of lies perpetrated against America and the entire world.

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    What did Redfield say? He answered with calm honesty that the virus had to have been created in a scientific laboratory. Coronaviruses in nature don’t ever cross-infect from plants or other animals to humans. It just doesn’t happen; therefore, it is not even scientifically plausible. Then how did it happen? A “wet market?” Nonsense. The answer should be plainly obvious: genetic research and viral genomic manipulation is the only logical explanation.

    When questioned about the nature of this research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Redfield did not waver. He asserted, “Absolutely,” the SARS-CoV-2 viral strain was a product of gain-of-function research. He also defined gain of function as transforming a harmless or benign virus into a significant pathogen, admitting it’s risky — dangerous! It’s biowarfare.

    Fauci’s madness was never designed to stop a pandemic, but to create one. He obviously succeeded. But to ensure a massive global genocide, he also promoted the Covid mRNA shots, another gain-of-function task that — by all accumulating evidence — is projected to cause the world’s most lethal genocide ever. This comes as no surprise to those who have any common sense.

    None of Redfield’s words were shocking or novel to honest doctors and scientists. We heralded the obvious from the beginning. So, let’s ask a perhaps not-so-obvious question: Why didn’t Dr. Redfield come forward from the beginning? Was he censored? Gagged? Threatened with “suicide” or an unfortunate mishap? We know he wasn’t bought off, as were many others.

    Again, Redfield offers a most plausible explanation for his exclusion from the Coronamania club. “It was told me they wanted a single narrative, and I had a different point of view.” This is where good science meets bad politics. Open discussion and debate are essential to formulating accurate scientific theories and conclusions. But Fauci had an agenda. Therefore he had to poo-poo the truth and endorse the ridiculous Chinese wet market origin theory of Covid.

    Let me clarify this point. A “wet market” is defined by Cambridge English Dictionary as, “especially in Asia, a market where fresh meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, and sometimes live animals are sold to the public.” I’ve visited these markets many times during my military excursions. I recall seeing butchered dogs hanging in the open air at meat markets in Korea years ago. I even unknowingly ate a dog burger after arbitrarily pointing to a menu item when first arriving at an airbase in Taegu. Yummy! (The green water with a small snail immersed in the glass also was interesting.)

    But we also have an Asian wet market in Phoenix, Arizona. I saw no dogs or cats, but just about every other critter there. Sanitation was definitely a step up from open Asian wet markets, but the feeling was definitely the same. Are these types of markets breeding grounds for Coronavirus disease? You decide. The Coronaviridae family of positive-strand RNA viruses commonly infects various mammals, birds, and amphibians. No naturally-occurring coronavirus has learned how to transmit itself from human to human, “even to this day,” stated virologist Redfield during the hearing. This is the science. And he’s following it.

    What does this mean? Very simply, the likelihood of the SARS CoV-2 being transmitted from bats to humans, and then from human to human, innately through naturally-occurring viral mutations, is scientifically untenable. The Fauci bucket of lies doesn’t hold water. Now you would think that any self-respecting virologist or epidemiologist would know this. Likely, they do. So how could Dr. Anthony Fauci, then director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recruit supporters for his lame theory?

    Chairman Jim Jordan asked Dr. Redfield this very question, trying to discover why two of Redfield’s reputable colleagues suddenly changed their opinions on the Covid origin theory. Dr. Robert F. Garry, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane University School of Medicine, initially concurred with Dr. Redfield, as evidenced by an email that Garry sent to Fauci. It read, “I don’t know how this happens in nature, but it would be easy to do in a lab.” A day prior, Dr. Danielle Anderson, a virologist specializing in viral pathogenesis at the Doherty Institute, also emailed Fauci. She opined that the virus appears to be manmade, not a naturally evolved virus. Both agreed fully with Dr. Redfield’s position.

    Surprisingly (or not), Dr. Redfield was not privy to these emails, compliments of Fauci. And surprisingly (or not), three days later and after a private conference call with Fauci, both Andersen, and Garry did an about-face and supported Fauci’s wet market propaganda. Not because of any new scientific discovery. But because Fauci bribed them with a nine-million-dollar research grant. As Jordan put it, “So there are nine million reasons why they changed their mind.”

    Dr. Redfield took the higher road, refusing to sell his soul as did his colleagues, and it cost him. Fauci had nothing further to say to the CDC Director and Coronavirus task force member. To pull off this genocide, Fauci needed loyal collaborators. Money talks. Money is powerful. Money is the “other god.”

    “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10). I can’t help but feel sorry for victims of their own greed. It truly does destroy the heart and souls of many good human beings. Fauci dangled the money carrot before his desired co-conspirators, and the weak minds took the bait.

    Thankfully, Dr. Redfield has been a beacon of light in a very dark world. Fortunately, truth does have a way of disclosing itself over time. Fauci may have “wanted a single narrative,” but it was a very sinister narrative and one that is now splitting every seam. The virus. The shots, masking, and lockdowns. It was a plan that enticed the World Economic Forum to seize their long-sought-after opportunity. As a result, millions of people have been killed. Murdered really. Their silent voices cry out to us from the grave, just as still do the Jewish Holocaust victims.

    And now we hear only the cries of the survivors who senselessly lost their loved ones. Consider the thousands of American hospital casualties who were poisoned with remdesivir,  vancomycin, opioids, benzodiazepines, sedative-hypnotics, high-concentration oxygen, and fluid overload. See all the healthy children and young adults dropping dead or being maimed from the bioweapon shots. Don’t ignore those misled people done in by spike protein inflammation. Remember your family members and friends who lost hope due to masking, lockdowns, isolation, and destroyed lives. Many turned to drugs or suicide.

    As we sadly commemorate the three-year anniversary of Covid tyranny, we need to pause and reflect on how we individually have been affected by this ugly pandemic masquerade. I, too, was a victim, destroyed by an evil perpetrator of the great lie, a state medical board. I grieve not being able to practice medicine and alleviate suffering, and do all I can to make human beings whole. For exposing the lie and telling the truth, I suffer. And so do many thousands of others.

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