
    by Brett Vance, Who Is Robert Malone:


    Astronaut and Mission Commander of Apollo 13, James A. Lovell, reported to Mission Control on 13Apr70, “Houston, we’ve had a problem” when announcing a Main Bus B Undervolt malfunction caused during an oxygen tank explosion.  Most people know the story of incredible teamwork and courage that ended in the safe return of the crew following this near-catastrophic mission abort.  Today’s lingo of that transmission is “Houston, we’ve got a problem,” and is generally associated with the appearance of a sudden unforeseen situation.  It is also usually a huge understatement.

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    That’s the case now.  However, just notifying Houston is not near enough.  The whole of America needs to know what’s happening to our National Airspace System.  Our NAS—the collection of systems and people that fly you safely from place to place—here in the U.S. is the safest on the planet…at least it was until now.  While NASA was able to return three astronauts safely to earth and thus avert a potential catastrophe, the potential catastrophe facing our National Airspace System is similarly dire, but with vastly more terrifying consequences.

    Under discussion here are the following topics that contribute to this problem.  First, the departure from the industry, for a variety of reasons, of large numbers of highly-qualified and experienced commercial flight crews.  Second, the effect of the covid shots and the mandates on flight safety since their rollout.  Finally, and worst of all, the coverup.

    Part 1 – Where is My Crew?

    The first part of the problem with our NAS is the drawdown in the nation’s commercial pilot force.  These are the folks that earn their living flying, many of whom are your airline pilots.  You’ve all most likely heard of or personally experienced turmoil in flight schedules.  And you think it’s what you’re told that weather or Air Traffic Control is to blame for this mess!  That’s partially true, but you may have heard that crew availability is also to blame.  The airlines will tell you that crews are just out of position and can’t get to where they need to be in a timely manner.  What they are not telling you is that they just don’t have enough crews.  So, what’s wrong with that?  Just fess up and fix it.  Right?

    Obviously, it’s the companies’ job to properly staff the airline to accommodate what we call irregular operations.  What happened…and why now?  First, the argument is made that there was already a pilot shortage before the pandemic.  Next, a look at the impact on staffing because of the COVID pandemic is warranted.  With the initial rapid drop in demand for flying, airlines incentivized early retirements.  Additionally, furloughs took their toll as people departed for other careers, never to return.  As we then learned that the virus was not as severe as expected and had a very high survival rate, demand for air travel began to return, and return fast.  With demand now at pre-pandemic levels or even higher, the airlines could not replace those departed crews.  Next is the worst part of this equation—vaccine mandates.  This collection of foolish decisions is surprising in the magnitude of its harmful effect.

    Part 2 – The Covid Shot and the Mandates

    By now everyone who is paying attention has realized that something is amiss with the COVID 19 gene therapy shots.  You’ve probably seen reports of severe adverse reactions up to and including death, reports of people of all ages dying suddenly in their sleep, and athletes of both sexes at the peak of physical condition collapsing in practice or in competition.  These conditions, we are learning, are not caused by the virus; rather, they are caused directly by the contents of the vials or because of a significantly weakened immune system from taking shot after shot

    .There’s another cohort that we need to think about in case you are not aware. This group is in the aviation industry, and this article will focus on the cockpit crew in that aircraft that gets you safely where you want to go.  Know that flight attendants, air traffic controllers, and support personnel are also affected; however, a problem with your pilots can lead to a disaster, killing you and maybe hundreds of other innocent passengers and even people on the ground.  This article highlights those pilots.

    We face a two-pronged dilemma, both of which must be addressed.  First, the governments of the countries forcing flight crews to be “vaccinated” must immediately withdraw those mandates.  Next, the pilots who took the shot and are adversely affected must be helped to reverse those ill effects.

    Most of us are busy living our own lives and making ends meet.  That means you’re probably not paying attention to this problem; and when you hear there is a problem, the properly-enquiring mind would want to know how big this problem really is and what this really means.  Take a look at this excerpt from New Zealand’s Daily Examiner to get a feel for what we are all facing and how it was caused.

    Excerpt from Airline Pilots Fight For Safety, For Themselves & Their Passengers

    The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is also extremely strict with its requirements for pilots. Specifically, title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations §61.53 states that “no person who holds a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter may act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that person… [is] receiving treatment for a medical condition that results in the person being unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation.”

    In interpreting this provision, the Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners (AME) states, in reference to the issuance of medical certificates in the instance of use of pharmaceuticals as therapeutic medications for “Do Not Issue – Do Not Fly” orders, to include classes of medications or medications which:

    “FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago. The FAA generally requires at least one-year of post-marketing experience with a new drug before consideration for aeromedical certification purposes. This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant, adverse effects to manifest themselves….”

    This portion of the regulations was highlighted in a letter issued to the FAA by a group of attorneys, medical doctors, and other experts on 15th December 2021, noting the serious adverse reactions to covid vaccines being experienced by pilots (including death) and asking for specific health checks on all vaccinated pilots.

    The letter asks that all vaccinated pilots be medically flagged and:

    “having said pilots undergo thorough medical re-examinations to include D-Dimer tests (to check for blood clotting problems), Troponin tests (to check for Troponin in the blood, which is a protein that is released when the heart muscle has been damaged), post-vaccination ECG analysis (also known as EKG, which checks the electrical signals which determine cardiac health), and cardiac MRI and PULS Test (to determine heart health).

    According to the letter’s authors, inclusion of the cardiac MRI as a screening test for pilots is critical and referenced a recent study showed that using only ECG results and symptoms to screen patients resulted in a 7.4-fold under-diagnosing of actual myocarditis. The PULS Test is also important as an abstract published in the medical journal Circulation, entitled “Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for “Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines”, found that “the mRNA vacs [vaccines] numerically increase … the markers IL-16, Fas, and HGF, all markers previously described by others for denoting inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle”.

    The letter’s authors also reference an affidavit filed in a US court earlier this year, where doctors including the cardiologist retained by the FAA and a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army who is a flight surgeon, Aerospace Medicine Specialist, and an Aviation Officer Course & Mishap Training Specialist with a Master’s Degree in Public Health, concluded that

    • “the risk of “post-vaccination myocarditis was not trivial”
    • “that the “aviation population is comprised of individuals with demographics that the CDC and FDA established (on June 25, 2021) was at greatest risk for developing post-vaccination induced myocarditis”
    • “that the “unpredictable and potential serious complications thereof present an … unacceptable level of aeromedical risk,”
    • that “risk-stratification, screening and diagnostic testing is necessary for continued safety of flight,” and
    • that “immunizations with COVID vaccinations should be immediately suspended until further aviation specific studies can be conducted.”

    It is worth noting that coincidental to the issuance of this letter to the FAA, NZ’s Ministry of Health issued an urgent letter to all primary healthcare providers and vaccinators. The letter admitted that incidences of vaccine-associated myocarditis and pericarditis have been under-reported in NZ and that the actual incidence, particularly for boosters, is not known. Instructions were also issued to include warnings on those serious side effects specifically, to those receiving the covid vaccines.

    Clearly, serious vaccine-associated adverse reactions can be life-altering to those individuals who suffer them. However, the consequences for airline passengers if their pilots experience sudden effects are also devastating. The letter to the FAA continues and points out that

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