Worried About the Water: Secret, Targeted Contamination?


    by Brucha Weisberger and Janet Phelan, Activist Post:


    A little introduction: I’ve become friendly with investigative journalist Janet Phelan. We talked, she sent me her book, and she spoke on my program last year.

    Janet has some very convincing evidence of something extremely sinister. She really lays out a strong case in her book – complete with blueprints she obtained – that there is a system of double water pipes, by which substances could be introduced into individual households’ water supplies by remote control. Apparently, these systems are in place in many major cities of the US, and in some other countries as well.

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    Here is an excerpt from an article Janet wrote in 2015 on activistpost.com (link included in her new piece below.)

    … In fact, the configuration of the nation’s public water systems, a configuration which contains parallel water mains, would provide the perfect, undetectable delivery system for a bio/chem attack. Blueprints obtained by this reporter—and obtained with some difficulty, it should be mentioned—clearly show two parallel lines running down each and every street in all cities where blueprints were obtained, cross connected by service lines, which provide water into residences. Remote controlled valves positioned on the second line indicate that whatever that second line contains is being withheld by these valves.

    But withheld why, and until when?

    The system as it is currently configured would allow for the contents of the second line to dump into some houses while being withheld from others, through the opening and closing of the remote controlled valves. In this manner, whatever is in the second line can be selectively delivered to some residences, while leaving others untouched and uncontaminated.

    It has been suggested that, upon the initiation of a pandemic-level event, quarantines may be imposed. That way, whomever is getting the pathogen pulsed into his residence via the water lines will be assured of getting the maximum dose.

    (BW: Possible theory: Is this what sickened people in Spring 2020? Is that why everyone was told to stay home, and is that why bottled water was suddenly too pricey to buy, or unavailable? Remember the $1,000-per-case water bottles online then – if you could even find it? Here are pictures I still have from my family chat from March 2020. They are real!)


    I asked Janet recently if she could write an article for me about this topic, which obviously really is critical, and she graciously did so.

    I know that this information may be seem too way-out to possibly be real to some people.

    But if you think about it, “they” have done so much evil, and killed so many – don’t put this past them!

    Don’t automatically discount it because it seems too unbelievable to imagine. Take a look for yourself.

    Here is Janet’s article:

    Water as a Pandemic Delivery System–Why This is Even More Important Now

    by Janet Phelan

    With all the flurry surrounding recent disclosures relevant to  the Covid-19 pandemic and the success (or lack thereof) of countermeasures, one essential byte of information is being overlooked:

    The existence of another delivery system.

    The documentation concerning the tweaking of water systems to provide a covert pandemic delivery system is pretty much air tight. The existence of a mysterious and inexplicable “second water line,” along with the remote-controlled valves inhibiting or releasing the contents of this line are firmly established in blueprints, photos and more.

    Research is ongoing as to the extent to which the US has exported its weaponized water delivery system. WikiLeaks cable releases and more have confirmed that this water weapon also exists in Canada, Switzerland, post-invasion Iraq, Israel and in at least one capital city in Latin America. This is considered to be most likely an inadequate list.

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