Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    I suspect that most of those who allowed themselves to be tricked into accepting the covid-19 jab now wish that they had ignored governments, advisors, media doctors and celebrities.

    This is the script of my video which appeared in December 2021. The video can still be seen HERE. It was, inevitably, treated with scorn at the time. I invite the sceptics and 12-year-old ‘fact-checkers’ to take a look and see if they can find anything with which they now disagree.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    It’s the 11th December 2021, or thereabouts.

    We all know that the short-term risks for those accepting the covid-19 jabs are horrific – worse than the risks associated with any traditional vaccine or drug that’s ever been made, and there have been some horror stories in the past associated with pharmaceutical products.

    Drug companies are the most ruthless of all corporate entities – they make arms companies look positively benevolent. And, as I have pointed out before, they make those involved in the illegal drug trade look comparatively decent.

    It was known in late 2020, a year ago, that the covid-19 jabs would cause heart trouble, strokes, neurological problems, myocarditis and pericarditis.

    I know this because I made several videos last year, 2020, in which I explained that all these things would happen. And that the adverse events would not be rare or even uncommon.

    If you’re interested take a look at my video called `’Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects’ or `’Vital Information about the Covid-19 Vaccine’. Both videos were recorded and published in December 2020 and they are still there [on Brand New Tube]. If they’d been on YouTube they would have been removed, of course.

    I’ve written umpteen thousand words about the short-term problems with these jabs.

    But I’ve also been investigating the medium and long-term dangers and what I’ve found is truly terrifying. This really is a cull. Most of the vaxxed will, I fear, be lucky to last five years – and all for a jab that doesn’t do what most people think it does. To be honest, anyone who still accepts one of these jabs should be considered suicidal or certified insane. Life expectation is going to fall dramatically – and not just because the quality of health care is deteriorating daily. I honestly find it difficult to believe that there are people around who are so brainwashed and so terrified by the lies they’ve heard that they will accept as many jabs as they are offered.

    If you doubt my credentials by the way, take a look at the list of my predictions and warnings on

    And if you doubt that just read your way through my 20 million words of published books and old columns.

    The politicians, the Government scientists and the journalists claim that there are no medium or long-term dangers associated with the experimental jabs.

    But they say that because they seem to know nothing about traditional vaccines which can and do cause medium and long-term problems. And, of course, they know nothing about the experimental covid jabs because no one on earth can say with certainty what is going to happen in one, five or ten years’ time.

    I have, however, made a determined, clinical attempt to analyse what I think will happen. And this is what I’ve come up with.

    First, of course, there are the heart problems. It seems that the damage to the heart that is responsible for so many fit sportsmen dropping dead or collapsing is likely to affect far more people than we know about. Doctors can hardly remove hearts from living patients to see how many are suffering serious, early stage heart trouble. And its early days as far as the myocarditis and pericarditis and other problems are concerned. This problem is now a permanent part of life for many. And it was all predicted with great precision. Again, just look back at the videos I have made during the last two years. Everything was predicted. The videos are all on Brand New Tube. I warned that more, far far more, will die of the jabs than died or will die of the rebranded flu.

    It seems, of course, that the heart problems are made worse by heavy exercise. There will, I fear, be sudden deaths among those labouring, digging snow or doing heavy gardening. Deaths among the elderly will be dismissed as a result of ordinary ageing.

    Incidentally, have you noticed that recently the official line is that people who go to the gym are more likely to have strokes or heart attacks – as if simply going to the gym was the problem? No mention of the jab as the cause. They are trying to normalise strokes and heart attacks to cover the jab injuries.

    And this is, I suspect, is also why so many young people have been collapsing on the dance floor. The exercise, combined with the heat, has put pressure on damaged hearts. And they’ve collapsed. I think the stories about people being injected in night clubs or drinking spiked drinks are largely just that – stories. Stories designed to cover up the real problem. Bizarrely, I’ve even seen it claimed that global warming is the cause of all the heart problems we’re seeing. That really is pushing it.

    I have no doubt, sadly, that we’re going to see more and more people suffering serious heart trouble as a result of their jabs. The elderly will die earlier than they might otherwise have died. But deaths among the young will continue to shock. Already there are calls for defibrillators to be put into schools and sports clubs because of the unprecedented epidemic of heart attacks.

    The change in the immune systems of the jabbed will also be of great significance. It has been reported that many of the double jabbed have lost a good deal of their immune system capability. This will mean that they are incredibly vulnerable to many diseases.

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