Irish farmers warn of massive uprising if government continues to push “vicious” net-zero climate targets


    by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

    Another farmer uprising is occurring in Ireland as the country’s globalist leaders push the agriculture sector to meet their net-zero “climate change” targets.

    Livestock needs to be culled by 30 percent, we are told, and 90 percent of reclaimed land will need to be re-wet in order for Ireland’s afforestation targets to be met – which also means that many farmers will have to commit economic suicide in order to comply.

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    If Irish officials refuse to relent on their “vicious” net-zero plans, farmers all across the land are promising “nothing short of an uprising in rural Ireland” (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about the farmer uprising that took place in The Netherlands.)

    Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is right now undergoing its final preparations for the publishing of a report about what the globalists say needs to happen in the country’s agriculture sector in order to achieve net-zero compliance.

    “If all the changes take place as suggested in the EPA report, 3.1 million acres – or one-fifth of the State’s total land mass – will change in use,” reports The Exposé.

    “The report, obtained by the Irish Daily Mail under Freedom of Information legislation, found that to meet net-zero emission targets by 2050, the land and agriculture sector must:

    – Plant up to 86,500 new acres of land for forestry every year, up from the current target of 20,000 acres per annum, bringing Ireland to a total of 875,000 hectares of land under forestry by the year 2050;

    – Re-wet 90 percent, or up to 302,000 hectares, of land that is reclaimed from peatlands for agricultural use;

    – Reduce by 30 percent the number of livestock, such as cows, goats and sheep, in Ireland;

    – Increase by 30 percent the use of technology in the agricultural sector to reduce methane emissions.

    The European Union is a cancer on freedom

    Speaking on behalf of Irish farmers, Mattie McGrath, leader of the rural independent members of the Irish parliament’s lower house (known as Teachtai Dála or “TDs”), called the report a “vicious” strike against rural Ireland, adding that the government’s “radical green policies” on farming will have a “devastating impact” on farmers.

    “If these proposals are implemented, rural Ireland will face mass destruction,” he said.

    McGrath would also like to see an unequivocal statement from Taoiseach Leo Vradkar and Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue “assuring us that no reductions in cattle, pigs, goats and sheep will be considered or implemented and that the report will be immediately disregarded and incinerated.”

    The issue stems from the EU’s proposed Nature Restoration Law, which would create binding targets for member states, including the United Kingdom, to “restore degraded ecosystems.” This includes re-wetting peaty land that was drained in decades past to facilitate farming.

    The irony to all this is that the EU previously provided assistance to farmers to drain that very same land in order to make it arable, but is now trying to reverse that work by putting farmers out of business.

    “This is part of the green agenda and part of a stream of European legislation that is coming in,” said Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) Galway Chair Stephen Canavan. “But there is no consultation and that’s a problem with an awful lot of this because it leads to discontent.”

    In the comments, someone suggested that the globalists are “picking a fight with the wrong people.”

    “The Irish are a hardy people who have historically suffered terrible treatment by the English Government and aristocrats,” this person added.

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