Funding the Control Grid Part 2: The Psychological Framework


    by The Sharp Edge, Corey’s Digs:

    The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays

    For decades, agencies and organizations operating in the shadows have used billions of taxpayer dollars to create a grid of psychological control over the population.  The psychological control grid consists of psychological operations, narrative control campaigns, indoctrination programs and the weaponization of the mental healthcare system.

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    These very agencies and organizations received a boost in funding through the Omnibus bill and National Defense Authorization Act 2023, to expand their operations.  The purpose of this report is to outline the agencies and organizations contributing to the psychological control grid condensed from 6,000 pages of legislation rushed through Congress at the end of 2022.

    Background & Context

    Psychological Operations

    • After decades of experience, the intelligence community has perfected the art of psychological operations (PSYOPS) using propaganda and mind control tactics, as outlined in the Corey’s Digs report entitled The Cancer Within Modern Medicine Part 4: Manipulation of the Masses.  One of the most nefarious operations conducted by the CIA was Project MK Ultra, a well-documented, extensive program using the most inhumane tactics to control and manipulate minds.  Though the intelligence community claimed that the MK Ultra program was shut down in 1973, subprojects, such as Project MONARCH, are alleged to have continued.  Aspects of CIA mind control techniques carried on in their interrogation methods outlined, for example, in the KUBARK Counterintelligence Manual, which was a “comprehensive guide for teaching interrogators how to effectively create ‘a world of fear, terror, anxiety [and] dread.’”
    • In 1961, as the CIA was funding MK Ultra research in at least 80 institutions, Stanley Milgram – a Yale psychologist, conducted experiments on obedience to authority.  The experiments tested the willingness of subjects to apply increasingly painful and dangerous shocks to other subjects if coerced by someone who appeared to be an authority figure wearing a white lab coat.  The purpose of the study was to determine how easily ordinary people could commit atrocities, if coaxed by someone they believed was a trusted authority.  The study found that 65%, two thirds of people tested, were willing to shock their counterpart subjects at potentially lethal voltage levels.  The research was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.  The CIA has used NSF in the past as a vehicle to fund their programs.  Professor Alfred McCoy, a historian, has alleged that the Milgram experiments were likely part of the many CIA-funded MK Ultra projects.  In a recent interview, Robert Kennedy Jr. remarked on the government’s response to Covid, “We’re just in a huge Milgram experiment here.  We’ve got Anthony Fauci in his white lab coat…”
    • In the same interview, Robert Kennedy Jr. stated, “When I was writing my book… one of the most momentous and shocking discoveries that I encountered, that I made in my research, was seeing the deep involvement of the intelligence agencies in this public health space.  The last chapter in my book shows this series of tabletop exercises, about 20 tabletop exercises… They were sponsored – all of them by the CIA… What they each did was, they’d take a simulated pandemic, and they’d show what the response was, and the response was not a public health response.  It was the imposition of totalitarian control.  So, they weren’t talking about providing Vitamin D to people… or quarantining the sick… and keeping Constitutional rights, which is something that you’ve got to think of in a pandemic…  They weren’t doing any of that stuff.  What they were doing is – ‘How do we use this pandemic to suppress free speech, to censor social media and the media, to close churches, to lock down society, to force people to wear masks, and then funnel them into this chute of mass vaccination with a quickly created and untested zero liability vaccine?’  And every one of them does the same thing.  None of them [are] about public health.  It’s a militarized and monetized response.” 
    • Former Deputy Director of the CIA, Avril Haines, was one of the key players involved in the now infamous Event 201which was a tabletop exercise that predicted the Covid pandemic in October 2019.  In Segment 4 of the pandemic simulation, players strategized how to censor “disinformation” related to the pandemic on social media.  The exercise presented a scenario in which information spread about the “man-made” origins of the virus – created by pharmaceutical companies for the purpose of profiting from vaccines.  The simulated news report explained, “In some cases, limited internet shutdowns are being implemented to quell panic.”  One commentator on the simulated news report remarked that “disinformation” on social media “is a huge problem that’s going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments… If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it’s the right choice.”  The strategies presented by panelists to combat “disinformation” included: having a “centralized” international response to the communications efforts, flooding social media platforms with the regime’s narrative, partnering with Big Tech companies on censoring and deamplifying “disinformation,” advancing technology for algorithms to censor information, planting “the right representatives” on traditional media platforms to “portray our side of the story,” as well as using trusted faith-based or community-based organizations to disseminate the regime narrative.
    • According to secretive internal documents, Twitter not only partnered with the intelligence community on narrative control operations, but they aided in the Pentagon’s PSYOP campaigns.  Twitter executives testified to Congress that the company pledged to “rapidly identify and shut down all state-backed covert information operations and deceptive propaganda.”  However, the Big Tech firm actually “gave approval and special protection of the US military’s online psychological influence ops.”  Twitter executives were well aware of the “vast network of fake accounts and covert propaganda” generated by the DOD and did nothing to suspend those accounts.  Internal documents reveal “Twitter actively assisted CENTCOM’s network going back to 2017 and as late as 2020 knew these accounts were covert/designed to deceive to manipulate the discourse, a violation of Twitter’s policies and promises.  They waited years to suspend.”

    Narrative Control Campaigns

    • Newly unredacted NIH emails show that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins communicated with several scientists regarding the origins of the Covid virus in the early stages of the pandemic.  Though some scientists admitted in the emails that there was not enough evidence to disprove the lab leak theory, they were pressured to ‘get ahead of the narrative,’ by issuing a research paper discrediting it.  In the research paper entitled “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which was published in Nature Medicine, the scientists concluded, “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”  The research paper has been viewed over 5.7 million times and has been cited more than 2000 times by mainstream media as a means to discredit the lab-leak theory.
    • Confidential emails obtained through the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit reveal that officials at the CDC were in constant communication with Facebook to censor information regarding the origins of Covid and the dangers of the Covid jab.  Claims such as “COVID-19 is man-made,” or “the Covid vaccine is not safe for kids,” that were vetted by the CDC were then censored by Facebook.  Furthermore, emails obtained through the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit reveal that the White House censored viewpoints that countered the establishment narrative on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  The Missouri v. Biden case against Biden, the White House, HHS, Fauci, NIAID, CDC, DHS, and CISA has produced troves of documents, particularly from HHSCISA and the White House, that confirm these agencies actively engaged in the censorship of information relating to Covid and elections on social media platforms.
    • In April 2022, DHS launched a “Disinformation Governance Board,” designed to censor online information, which came to be known as an entity more like “Ministry of Truth,” described in the dystopian novel ‘1984’.  The Disinformation Governance Board was headed by extremely partisan activist, Nina Jankowicz, who had previously referred to all Trump supporters as purveyors of disinformation.  Following the public outrage of this clear violation of free speech, the DHS announced the termination of the board in August 2022.  However, leaked documents reveal that the DHS’s plans to censor information online remained ongoing.  The documents show that DHS continued to target information for censorship related to “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of the U.S. support to Ukraine.”
    • A report published by Foundation for Freedom Online outlines the scope of DHS censorship across social media platforms, which extends far beyond what has been previously reported.  According to the report, under DHS leadership22 million tweets were labeled as “disinformation” on Twitter, 859 million tweets were collected in databases for “misinformation” analysis, 120 “misinformation” analysts monitored social media in up to 20-hour shifts, and DHS partners openly bragged about the “huge regulatory pressure” imposed on Big Tech platforms which impacted hundreds of millions of posts to social media sites.
    • A series of disclosures from internal Twitter communications, known as the Twitter Files, reveals that the FBI, DHS, ODNI, CISA, CIA, NSA, HHS, the White House, the State Department, the Treasury, Big Pharma lobbyists, and even politicians like Adam Schiff, all had regular communications with Twitter executives to censor, deplatform, and deamplify individuals and information counter to the Washington establishment narrative on topics including the Hunter Biden laptop, the 2020 election, January 6th, and the dangers of the Covid mRNA injections.  Furthermore, Twitter executives were pressured to support the intelligence community’s narrative that Russian influence was behind information that countered the establishment agenda.

    Indoctrination Programs

    • According to a presentation hosted by Parents Rights in Education, in 2010 the Consolidated Appropriations Act signed by Obama sent federal funding through HHS to the CDC’s Department of Adolescent and School Health (DASH), which created a partnership with the Department of Education on a series of grants to accomplish three goals for school-based programs across the nation: to implement comprehensive sexual education, to create school-based access for sexual health services, and to ensure “safe, supportive environments,” in which to implement these programs.  As the presenter explained, the CDC’s DASH playbook in layman’s terms means “They’re going to teach it.  They’re going to give the kids access to it.  And they are not going to tell the parents anything about it or let them do anything about it.”  By 2018, federal grants were distributed for student access, including minors, to school-based sexual health services including birth control pills, condoms, IUDs, hormonal implants, emergency contraception, and referrals to Planned Parenthood.  As part of California’s Behavioral Health Initiative, in 2019 Planned Parenthood announced that they would be opening 50 on-campus clinics in Los Angeles high schools.  At least 5 Planned Parenthood clinics are currently operational in high schools in the Los Angeles area.
    • Planned Parenthood has been in the “gender transition business,” since 2017 and has shifted much more focus towards a “gender affirming” revenue stream since then.  With 239 clinics in more than 40 states offering transgender services, Planned Parenthood has made it quite easy for thousands of kids to access hormone treatments.  In some states, “gender affirming” care may be provided to minors without parental consent or knowledge.  Furthermore, public schools continue to use taxpayer dollars to hire Planned Parenthood or their affiliates to teach sexual education programs including the promotion of abortion, gender fluidity and transitioning.  Each year, 1.2 million students receive sex education from Planned Parenthood’s affiliates.
    • Documents uncovered through a recent FOIA request revealed that a California school district partnered with a healthcare facility known as CommuniCare to provide K-12 students with taxpayer funded school-based mental health services which included “gender-affirming medications.”  Furthermore, the documents confirmed that parents of children 12 or older would not be notified of their child’s “mental health” treatment unless the child consented.

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