Hunting Down And Slaughtering ‘Purebloods’ On The Global Eugenicists ‘To Do List’ As They Unveil More Draconian ‘Solutions’ To The ‘Problems’ THEY Created To Usher In Tyranny


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Medical Tyrants To Turn ‘Speaking The Truth’ Into An Executable Offense

While we had hoped that by now, with 2022 coming to a close, we’d be long past reporting on COVID and the globalists rush to impose medical tyranny upon anyone who still has the ability to think for themselves and rejects their ‘mRNA death shot concoctions’ that have been PROVEN to be killing and maiming people while they aren’t stopping anyone from getting COVID nor passing it on to others, nor dying from it, we can’t do that right now with more and more stories that keep popping up showing us the globalists are far from done in their rush towards all-out medical despotism.


Perfectly seen in this new story by Dr. Paul Alexander reporting the World Health Organization has just put out a video calling ‘Purebloods‘ a “major killing force” who are responsible for more deaths than gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation or cyber attacks, the WHO none-the-less ignores all of the previously young and healthy Americans and people all across the world ‘dropping dead suddenly like flies,’ most dying of heart attacks and strokes and dying without any discernable warning signs.

So as Dr. Alexander’s story pointed out, not only is the WHO calling the unvaccinated ‘a major killing force,‘ they’re also calling for ‘political solutions to address this,’ most likely the kind of ‘political solutions‘ they’re unveiling now in Australia where anyone questioning ‘the science’ behind the vaxxes is being designated a ‘terrorist’ as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story.

Reporting that Australian Police have announced counter-terrorism teams will be monitoring “anti vax conspiracy theorists” who show “concerning behavior” (which they regard “conspiracy theories” as)encouraging Australians to report anyone who engages in what they deem as “conspiracy theories” to contact police directly, or contact crime stoppers, while advising the public they’ll be looking at all social media sites for ‘conspiracy theories‘ being posted, they continue to ignore the exploding ‘death count’ among formerly young and healthy Australians who’d taken the death shot concoction.

Because with the WHO and globalists lying to our faces about these death shots nothing less than them helping to carry out genocide, the American people must rise up and DEMAND these devils be held accountable for their crimes upon humanity, for as Dr. Joseph Mercola warns us in this new story, if we stay on the road we’re now on with the globalists and the WHO driving us further down it every day as explored below, full-scale medical tyranny awaits us and our children and grandchildren.

Before we continue, we absolutely must take an extended look at this new Dr. Mercola story as it shows us exactly what is ahead for the American people if we don’t put a stop to it. Warning us within his story that the WHO’s ‘recommendations’ are legally binding by all member states, and supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S. Constitutionwe see in his story the roadmap to tyranny has been carefully laid out and most people are still completely blind to what is unfolding before their eyes.

Warning us that the WHO has been ‘weaponized‘ against the human race and it’s actually a specialized agency within the United Nations, established in 1948 to “further international cooperation for improved public health conditions,” as Dr. Mercola warns, those paying attention can see the long-term goal of the WHO is to serve as a foundation or hub for a one world government under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity. From that story before we continue.:

Health Regulation Amendments Will Legalize Tyranny 

In a December 16, 2022, Substack article, James Roguski also reviewed how a temporary crisis (the COVID-19 pandemic) — which, by the way, is long since over — is being used by the WHO to seize permanent power. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most dangerous and egregious IHR amendments they intend to implement, and what it will mean for you and I.

Eliminating the concepts of respect for human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms — The first principle in Article 3 of the original IHR states that health regulations shall be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” 

The proposed amendment to this Article will strike “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” Now, health regulations will be based on “principles of equity, inclusivity and coherence” only. 

What does that mean? Think “You must wear a mask/social distance/isolate/get jabbed to protect others,” even if you’re not sick, or for whatever reason don’t want to do any of those things. 

Autonomy over your body will be eliminated. You’ll have no right to make personal health decisions. Even if you suspect you might die from the intervention, you have to comply because it’s all about what’s “best” for the collective. 

Individuals won’t matter. Human dignity will not be taken into consideration. Human rights will not be taken into consideration, and neither will the concept that human beings have fundamental freedoms that cannot be infringed. 

Another amendment is that public health measures will no longer be aimed at achieving “the appropriate level of health protection.” Instead, the new objective will be to attain the “highest achievable level of health protection” without any consideration of proportionality. It’s easy to see how this amendment will be used as justification for the removal of individual rights and freedoms. 

Dictatorial powers will be given to the director-general of the WHO — The director-general will have sole power to declare the beginning and end of a public health emergency of international concern (PHEI), and the sole power to dictate responses (including travel restrictions, mask mandates, lockdowns, business closures and vaccine requirements), and the allocation of resources to that PHEI, including funding and what drugs are to be manufactured and used. 

These dictates will override and overrule any and all national laws within member states, including the U.S. Constitution. 

The obligations under the amended IHR are legally binding, and any member nation that refuses the director-general’s recommendations can be punished through a variety of mechanisms, including economic sanctions and embargoes. Note that the term “recommendation” is defined as “legally binding,” which means they’re actually dictates, not suggestions. 

Dictatorial powers will be given to unelected regional directors of the WHO — Similarly, appointed (not elected) regional directors will have the power to determine what constitutes a public health emergency of regional concern (PHERC), and their decisions will also overrule all other laws and Constitutional rights. 

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