The Coming Food Crisis… These Historical Events Show You What To Expect


    by Chris MacIntosh, International Man:

    The parallels of history are hard to ignore.

    Let’s take a look, because what’s happening today on the food front has been tried before.

    From the 1930’s through the 1940’s Stalin’s Soviet Union had a “5-year Industrialization Plan” – these central planners never learn. This genius plan involved “rapid industrialization,” together with “socialized farming” and, of course, the elimination of private enterprise and property ownership.

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    The results? Grumpy people. A LOT of them. What brought about so many grumpy folks was this. Grain exports collapsed, economic output collapsed and more than 30 million starved to death between 1932 and 1947.

    Next up, central planner numero deux.

    Chairman Mao and the “Great Leap Forward.”

    Like Stalin, Mao implemented a “5-year Industrialization Plan” from 1958 to 1962.

    This “plan” involved rapid industrialization, socialized farming, and the elimination of private enterprise. Same ingredients.

    The results?

    Same results. Grumpy people. Grain exports plummeted, economic output collapsed, and this particular psychopath managed to preside over the starvation and death of 45 million people between 1958 and 1962.

    The same ingredients, the same recipe, the same outcome.

    We tend to look at these events and think to ourselves, “Dumb muppets.”

    But here we are, and we’re doing exactly the same stupid mistakes again. I say “we” but of course mean the global elites, not us per se.

    You may ask yourself. How is this done? How is it that collectively tens or hundreds of millions of people get led down this path of absolute horror?

    The answer lies in the intensive use of propaganda, the unbridled and aggressive censorship of and canceling of anyone brave enough to break from the narrative.

    Additionally, an enemy is always created. Every movement requires a devil. Something or someone that poses a threat. It’s the same in politics. Typically, voters don’t vote for someone as much as they vote against someone. Hate is easily weaponized while love is impossible to weaponise. So you need a devil, either a people or a threat of some sorts that galvanizes the justification for drastic action to be taken.

    Are you seeing the parallels?

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