New Report: UFOs Spotted Over Ukraine Skies, Reaching Speeds of Up To 53,000 km/h


    by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

    • The Facts:
      • A new report from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine outlines how multiple UFOs have been spotted over the skies of Kyiv.
      • According to the report, astronomers observed dozens of objects “that cannot scientifically be identified as known natural phenomena.”
      • The researchers estimate, based on methods used to collect data, that some of these objects can travel at speeds of up to 33,000 mph (53,000 km/h).

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    • Reflect On:
      • Will views, opinions and evidence about UFOs be censored if they don’t fit the ‘official’ explanations that will be given to us by governments?
      • Can we really rely on governments and big media to provide an accurate picture of important phenomena and events when there are so many examples of misinformation?

    According to a new report from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been spotted over Kyiv. The report was published in the preprint database arXiv.

    Using specially calibrated cameras at two weather stations in Kyiv and Vinarivka, a village about 75 miles (120 kilometers) to the south, astronomers observed dozens of objects “that cannot scientifically be identified as known natural phenomena,” the report said.

    The researchers divided their UAP observations into two categories: “cosmics” and “phantoms.” According to the report, cosmics are luminous objects that are brighter than the background sky. These objects are designated with birds’ names — such as “swift,” “falcon” and “eagle” — and have been observed flying solo as well as in “squadrons,” the team wrote.

    The researchers estimated that phantoms range from 10 to 40 feet (3 to 12 meters) wide and can travel at speeds of up to 33,000 mph (53,000 km/h). For comparison, the Lockheed SR-71 blackbird is the fastest known aircraft, reaching speeds of up to 3,500 km/h.

    There was no speculation on the researchers’ part regarding what these objects are, it simply focused on the methods used to identify them and the characteristics and qualities of the objects that could be detected.

    The U.S. government has openly renewed its public interest in UAP investigations since 2017, when several videos taken by U.S. Navy aircraft leaked to the media. The videos showed unidentified aircraft moving in seemingly impossible ways, with no explanation.

    In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean. They are also capable of travelling through water, in the ocean, just as they are through the atmosphere at the same speeds.

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